How to become a Trailblazer

We hand-select trailblazers across the globe who inspire us to find it, live it. Members of this crew are the heart of Map. We've compiled a list of ways for you to show us you're ready to be a Trailblazer. 

1. Contribute Often
map photos 1x week

Trailblazers treat everyday like an adventure. 
Update your Map on a weekly basis with your new finds.

Map beautiful photos* of your hood, vacations, hikes, and 
eateries—any place you would recommend to a friend.

*We judge by your photos and how well you curate
from the community.



2. Let them find it.
locations & descriptions

Help others find it, live it by saving specific locations and
tell the Map Community why you love this place.



3. Engage with the community.

Give kudos to other Map users by commenting and liking
photos that you find inspiring. If you come across a photo you
think should be featured, mention @map.



4. Promote places you love.

We are always on the lookout for the next city to feature for
our weekend City Guides. If you kickstart a City Guide,
you'll definitely get our attention.


Our city guides have multiple contributors so we 
can share different perspectives. Trailblazers have impeccable taste
and know the right people to recruit for a City Guide.



5. Recruit talented people.
QUALITY not quantity

Our community is built on passion for adventure and exploration.
Thank you for being a part of this journey. If you know someone that
would be perfect for Map, have them apply to be invited.